Thank you to our sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors who help support SFOS, optometrists, and patient care in San Francisco County. Please visit their links below to learn more about how they impact optometry.
Become a sponsor
Sponsoring SFOS gives you the opportunity to network with our members in order to help educate our members about on-going industry innovations in eye care and help build your brand recognition. There are many benefits to becoming a sponsor for SFOS. For example:
SFOS conducts 8 1-hour CE meetings a year, which allows sponsors to interact with our 100 members, and is continually growing.
Advertising in our monthly newsletter emailed to our members
Advertising on our social media accounts
Recognition on our website
And more!
For more information on being a sponsor, contact Dr. Sophia Wong, our Sponsorship Director, in the form below.
Sponsorship Inquiries
For information regarding sponsoring SFOS, please contact Dr. Sophia Wong, our Sponsorship Director